Forget an Open House, let us buy your house there and then

Forget an Open House, let us buy your house there and then

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Open houses are a time-tested means of selling a home but ever since the advent of the Internet age; virtual open houses are all the rage – a buyer can now swipe through hundreds of homes’ interiors on their iPad in the comfort of their couch. So is an open house still worth it?

Here is why it is not all that.

Window shoppers galore

The biggest downside to open houses is that they draw a large number of window shoppers who have no plans whatsoever of buying a home any time soon. Heck, some frequent open houses every weekend just to pass time!

However, window shoppers can be useful too; their feedback on things like price, layout or even key repairs needed, can prove very valuable to you the seller – by correcting the issues they raise, you raise your home’s appeal to the serious buyers.

Here come the nosy neighbors

Open houses are also magnets for nosy neighbors; they are not here to buy your house, they are just curious about the house next door and usually don’t plan to make an offer.

They will march through your house to see if the rumors that they have heard about you are real.

Security risk

Just like the name suggests, an open house basically means your house is open to all including those with sticky fingers, so you will have to hide your valuables very far or move them altogether.

Risk of depreciation

Lastly, holding the same open house week in week out can send the wrong message if the house does not go off the market in a short while. People might start to think that there’s something wrong with your home, you might start giving off a desperate vibe.

So instead of going through all this hassle, let Local Motive Properties get that property off your hands at a fair price.

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